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It's #MonthofMiracles for REMAX!

It’s the #MonthofMiracles and we’re excited to celebrate the amazing work being done by REMAX Miracle Agents for Mercy Health – Children’s Hospital.

Since 1992, REMAX has supported Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, raising millions of dollars for hospitals just like ours. These funds are critical and help kids like Harper.

Milestones are difficult enough to reach without the extraordinary health issues. Though Harper was born three weeks early, nothing on her mother’s ultrasounds indicated problems, including Down Syndrome. Harper had two holes in her heart that did not close at birth and was diagnosed with apnea. After 11 days in the NICU, she was sent home with an apnea monitor. A phone call one day from daycare put her family in a tailspin – she was turning blue. Harper was monitored and tested at Mercy Children’s Hospital while battling E.coli that had gotten into her blood stream and spread throughout her system. Two weeks of heavy antibiotics finally rid her system of the infection. A couple months later, she was again admitted to Mercy Children’s with parainfluenza and E.coli. Remaining tough through these battles, Harper is now in physical, occupational and water therapy and soon, speech therapy. Now, hitting some milestones is slowly coming to fruition.

The Miracle Home program allows REMAX Miracle Agents to make a donation after each closed transaction. We’d like to thank a few of our agents that have helped us over the last year:


We’re grateful for their continued support and want to wish them all a happy #MonthofMiracles!